architecture and other creative industries.

The medical world has also, and most certainly joined in the 3d revolution which has opened the way for even further advances in the treatment of patients requiring a transplant or corrective surgery. Exploration has excelled to the point where actual organs are being made today, but that’s another story.
Today, we’ll be focusing on how Fashion has embraced 3d technology with innovative and intricate garments and accessories being the outcome.
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Getting Started with 3d Printing
As a 3d artist wanting to start a business today, amongst the first questions you are likely to be concerned with, includes the feasibility of buying your own 3d printer. Now, before you rush off to buy a spanking new 3d printer, let me say that there are alternatives.
There are a number of services which I have been casually following over the past several years starting with; Sculpteo, and Shapeways. These two businesses both offer a comprehensive doorway for 3d artists and product designers to have their 3d models realised as real, physical models. And all without the costs of buying and maintaining a 3d Printer yourself.
For a more detailed overview to answering the question; Should I buy a 3D Printer, or use a service that provides 3D Printing? Check out this infographic at the dmfinder website.
3d Printing In Fashion
Now, for me personally, besides the headway the medical industry has made with using 3d Printing technology. I have been highly impressed with the brave and innovative approaches found within the world of fashion. It was Danit Peleg, that first grabbed my attention, with her 3d Printed Fashion collection manufactured right from her home.
This was back in 2015, where, as a student, Danit bravely decided to use the technology for her graduating fashion project. So well-received, her work was even featured at the 2016 Paralympics Opening Ceremony.